
Community Conch is proud to be a fiscal sponsorship project of Rachel’s Network. Rachel’s Network is named in honor of Rachel Carson, an author and scientist who transformed cultural perceptions of the environment with the publication of Silent Spring. The organization aims to raise the profile of women philanthropists by building collaborative alliances among women who care deeply about the environment. Rachel’s Network provides an important pathway and inspiration for calling attention to the pressing environmental issues facing our country and increasing women’s overall levels of political and civic engagement.

Visit: www.rachelsnetwork.org


to our donors, contributors, and collaborators!

The Bahamas Department of Marine Resources
The Bahamas National Trust
The Nature Conservancy – North Caribbean Office
The Perry Institute for Marine Science
The Berry Islands Tourism Advisory Board
Fisherman’s Inn – Barra Terre, Exuma
Big D’s Conch Spot – Steventon, Exuma
The First Universalist Church of Denver
Explorer Charts
Kimak Web Designs
Loggerhead Productions, Abaco
Friends of the Environment, Abaco
Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation
West End Eco Fish Camp, Grand Bahama
Cape Eleuthera Institute
Minns Watersports, Great Exuma
S/V Island Girl, Charter Catamaran, Exuma
Turrell, Hall and Associates, Inc.
Kathy Borgen
Platt & Carolyn Davis
Marian Fleming
Michael & Molly Frank
Ron Hollander
Jim & Jeri Houstoun
Richard & Mimi Houstoun
Carolee Lesyk
Toritse Onuwaje
Anne Rassigna
Margot & Scott Ritchie
Stephen Booker
Ron Heimann
Paul Pinder
Molly Ross
Shared Earth Foundation
Marine Ventures Foundation
…and all the Crowdrise Campaign donors!